Welcome to digital.newzgeek.com
A collection of the articles I have written for the Digital World section of the Jerusalem Post. For articles before June 2007 click here
Recent Posts
- The Moral Dilemma in Your Browser
- Drawing from Israel’s Hi-Tech Well
- TV Adventures in the Third Dimension
- Consumer Groupies
- TV Tells the Wiki-Truth About the Arabs, Israel and Iran
- (Un)Plugging the Wikileak
- Internet Lessons from the Israel Postal Company
- Whatever Happened to Good Old Ballot-box Stuffing?
- Israel, the Telecom Continent
- The iPhone’s “Israeli Embassy”
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Group Therapy for the High-Tech Set
Nervous, a young man rises and strides to the front of the conference room, his eyes darting around. The perceptive... -
Israel, Again, Not Invited to the i-Party
Here comes another device that Israelis are going to have to use “connections” – like an American credit card –... -
Google’s Tough Censorship Talk Bypasses Arab Lands
Google talks tough when it comes to China’s blocking human rights on the internet – but is it planning to... -
Life in the Internet Secular City
Democracy is the least imperfect system out there, as they say – and the internet is the biggest democracy in... -
Free Your TV with Free to Air
The economy may be improving, but prices, it seems, are still sky high – and we’re all looking to save... -
Israel’s Online “Five and Ten”
It’s a competitive world, and companies are being squeezed all around – so they seek to cut costs and increase... -
The Hackers of Tomorrow – Today
It pays to be paranoid, says Enrique Salem, CEO of world computer security powerhouse Symantec. “They” really are out to... -
Stuck on the Side of the Road, Sans Internet
Sometimes the best laid plans of mice, men, and the bus company go awry. And they always seem to go... -
Phone Monopoly
There’s something to be said for monopolies – both the game, and the economic phenomenon. When you get a specific... -
Free and Priceless
According to the New York Times, 17% of adult internet users either write for blogs – their own or someone... -
iPhone Injurers
As the anticipation mounts for Israel’s first “kosher,” official, iPhone experience, attention has turned to the slew of “iPhone killers”... -
Getting to Know All About You and Me
“Politics and technology don’t mix,” a wise man said once (that wise man, Michael Zboray, is Chief Security Officer at... -
MK: Hi-Tech Needs Government’s Help Now
Despite popular opinion, Israelis are hardly contrarian; they actually go along with the flow. And with “the flow” nowadays trending... -
Wii Fit: A Virtual Rudeness Workout
Been putting on a few kilos lately? Still working on getting rid of that weight you put on over Pesach?... -
The Freebie Index
After a Winter of Discontent, it seems that some Israeli hi-tech companies may being blooming during the spring and summer.... -
Community Organizing 2.0
Another day on the internet, another anti-Israel blog. So what? It’s just words, right? It’s tempting to think of the blatherings... -
Don’t Count Israeli Hi-Tech Out Just Yet, Says Top VC Chief
Israeli tech may be down, but it certainly isn’t out – and the coming months could see local technology development... -
What Creeps Under Internet Rocks
Note: The people I wrote this about got really mad (even though they’re not directly identified). They sent hordes of... -
Corporation Innovation 101
You wouldn’t expect major hi-tech innovations to be coming out of a major international conglomerate – but that’s exactly what... -
Why I Still Like iWeb
If you want a nice looking web site, iWeb is still a way to web presence. Yes, I know it’s...